Iranian Cinema and Women’s Representation

Iranian Cinema and Women’s Representation

In her latest article on women’s representation in Iranian Cinema, Shiva Rahbaran discusses how women’s visibility, modernity and cinema fed and were in turn fed by state-led policies during the Pahlavi era and how, after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the Islamic...
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – ‘Kommt Und Tötet Mich!’

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – ‘Kommt Und Tötet Mich!’

In dieser Artikel zeigt Shiva Rahbaran wie Die Ermordung des iranischen Filmregisseurs Dariush Mehrjui eine Fortsetzung der Kettenmorde der Neunzigerjahre an der Intellektuelle und Künstler in Iran ist und bezeugt, dass die anti-moderne Nature des Regimes trotz allen...
In Partnership with God – On Nicholas Mosley

In Partnership with God – On Nicholas Mosley

The novelist Nicholas Mosley saw humanity’s salvation at the confluence of love, faith, and technology. In this article, which appears as a postscript in Mosley’s posthumously published novel, Rainbow People, Shiva Rahbaran conveys how this correlation has been a...
Saving Humanity, or How to Enter a Partnership with God

Saving Humanity, or How to Enter a Partnership with God

In this postscript to Nicholas Mosley’s posthumously published last novel, Rainbow People, Shiva Rahbaran discusses the core preoccupation of Mosley’s oeuvre through interweaving his ideas with her personal account of their first meeting that resulted in a...